Monday, January 12, 2015


This is my case for January, very cheap at around $40. This Dutch made lager is quite enjoyable with light hops and good malty flavour. Smooth mouth feel and soft carbonation. On pouring this beer has a short lived head which is my preference.

Easy drinking, perfect cold after mowing the lawn. A bargain, not as good as my normal beer, Chang and Tui.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hop Hog

We tried Feral Brewing Co's Hop Hog. Not for the weak hearted, when I think American style I tend to expect cheese in a can, bad coffee and deep fired chicken. This American styled IPA is a beer with aggressive bitterness and more then a hint of citrus and pine resin, velvety mouth feel and gentle floral notes. A very well crafted American style IPA.

My partner was troubled by the bitterness so it is unlikely that I will buy this beer again as a 6 pack.  I buy 10 bottles from Dan Murphies, my favourites and new brews, either European or local craft beer and I will include Hop Hog in a future tasters collection.

My messy workbench

It's huge, my plan was to make a sensible sized Nicholson style bench but didn't want to shorten the panels I used for the top, s...