Sunday, April 24, 2011

My new planter

I built another raised bed for the front patio. This time a much simplified design which was placed directly on concrete. Not giving anyone a chance to steal this one I filled it with soil straight away.

Don't leave anything hanging around, I had a length of leaky hose which had been safety sitting outside for the last 6 months until last night when someone walked right in behind the planter and took it. Probably looking for tools. There were three old cat beds, too small for Frank, behind a wall on the patio, they took them. Not upset about the lose, more the fact that someone invaded my space.

There's still a bit of work remaining like finishing the top edge and drainage holes around the bottom which will happen in the next few days. The design changed a bit, pine sleepers which I had in mind would have been too heavy and out of scale in this space. Cannot wait to start planting.

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