Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I actually thought they were doing OK but after a move (they are in pots) to increase sunlight and air circulation there has not been a lot of improvement. I have two hybrid Ts, Peace and Double Delight and a floribunda, Bonica.

This year they've had rose canker, mildew, caterpillars, bud worm and mealybug. The roses are in a good potting mix, well drained but probably do not have the level of organic material they prefer.

What can I do now

  • Rose canker is easily prevented by ensuring secateurs are sharp and cleaned with methylated spirits.
  • Control mildew/mould outbreaks with a baking soda solution every 7 days
  • Control aphids with Natrasoap, they will definitely appear when roses have young shoots
  • Remove damaged stems and spent flowers as they appear
  • Add some blood and bone

Try again next year.

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