Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pears drawing

Another completed drawing. I found a conte' crayon and did some studies first, to get the shading right and work out a composition. Just graphite on a Derwent stetch pad, suprisingly it holds up quite well to reworking for cheap student grade paper. I like my little A5 Strathmore pad but it's a bit small.

Getting a bit more confident and it's easy to see that I've improved on my first drawing of Amy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a great tree

I saw this tree while I was out walking over the Easter break. Its the biggest and oldest Camphor Laurel tree that I've ever seen. They are considered a pest but it lives because it's such a significant tree.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My first pastel

This just seemed to happen last Saturday. Found a great photo of some new varieties of echinacea.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Drawing Amy

When Amy died, I was so sad that I didn't know what to do. My thoughts were so muddled and I knew that I had to try and refocus. We both looked through the photos we had taken of her over the last 12 years. We had a huge collection from when she was only 18 months old, so little then to her plumb middle age.

I needed to think of  her in a different way, my partner is a web designer and created some drawings of her in Photoshop. I'd always wanted to drawn but on traditional paper and graphite. I did a few sketches of her from some of the photos we found. This is based on a picture I took of her in 2003, looking up at me from the kitchen floor. I would also like to try watercolours and pastels as well.

My messy workbench

It's huge, my plan was to make a sensible sized Nicholson style bench but didn't want to shorten the panels I used for the top, s...