Saturday, March 14, 2009

My lillypilly

What a sad case, I found this Lillypilly (Syzygium) dumped in a lane way and left for dead. What a horrible waste!

After two years it now looks great. Originally it would have cost someone a fortune it had simply run out of root space and seemed to be suffering from fertilizer burn.

It's now growing in the ground and doing well after two years, still a long way from full recovery but in a few years will look wonderful. Someday when we leave our rented house someone else will hopefully appreciate it.


There is nothing better than watching Mum's chickens run around her backyard, scratching the soil for grubs and having dust baths. Even these very small chickens produce enough eggs for a small family if properly cared for. They are so cute to watch and kids love them.

It is possible to have chickens in Sydney however roosters are banned although Mum has Henry (below). The only other requirement relates to keeping the chicken house clean and not positioning it under the neighbours kitchen/dining room window.

My messy workbench

It's huge, my plan was to make a sensible sized Nicholson style bench but didn't want to shorten the panels I used for the top, s...